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MISTI Subscriptions & Accounts

Table of Contents

Here’s a list of MISTI accounts, please email Amanda Soh (, Hannah Briggs (, or Robert Chambers ( to get the login information. We can share the information through Lastpass for security purposes.

bit.lyShorten long URLs
CanvaFree version (Create your own posters, flyers easily!)
Diversity Abroad
Elements Envato*Find graphics, fonts, stock images and videos, vector images and more!
Envato MarketDownload WordPress themes
EventbriteEvent planning website (Free version)
FacebookRequest for access
FedExGet password from Robert Chambers
FlickrPhoto library! Not used as often, We store most student images on Google Drive
IdentityX BlogIDx student blog submissions
IssuuContent Publishing Site. Upload annual reports, magazine-style content
KahootTrivia game online version
***see below for alternate login instructions
LinktreeSocial media reference landing page, including links for people to click on. Used on MISTI Instagram
MailChimpMISTI newsletters (students, donors, alum)
MISTI Google AccountUsed for MISTI website Google Anayltics sign-in
MunchpakPersonalized snack box
Rev.comTranscription and Captioning Services
Spotify PodcastMISTI podcast
SpotifyMISTI international music playlist on here
StickermuleCustomizable stickers and other swags
Survey MonkeyCreate custom surveys
TypeformForm creation website
X (formerly Twitter)

Kahoot Log In Instructions (if the normal log in isn’t working)

1. Log on to Kahoot as you normally would.
You should be at this screen:

2. If you get this message saying you have an unrecognized device:

Then open a new window to log in again.

3. If you get the above message again, copy and paste this link in your browser:
If you are still landing on the “unrecognized device” page, then copy and paste this link in your browser: