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MISTI Roundup: 8-12-22

It’s important to remember on these hot summer days: if you freeze it, anything is popsicle.

Program Info Session/Office Hours

Time to decide if you want to have office hours or an info session this fall. If you have not already notified us, please fill out this form by August 15.

PMs Needed: Grad Fair & Career Fair

If you are able to attend, please email me directly.

  • Tuesday, September 6 from 12-2pm: MISTI table at the Graduate Resource Fair
  • Friday, September 23 from 10am-4pm: MISTI table at Career Fair

Academic Expo Schedule

Wednesday, August 31 from 3-4:30pm at the Johnson Ice Rink. If you are unable to attend, let April know as soon as possible.


Application Deadlines

Please email Isabelle your Launchpad application deadline (and if it is rolling) by August 18. Deadline options:

November 1December 1February 15March 15

GTL Save-the-Dates

Don’t forget the GTL Info Session on September 13 and the deadline on September 20.

Study Abroad Save-the-Dates

The Study Abroad Info Session will be on September 20 and the deadline is October 15 for spring.

Pop Up Startup

If you have any events planned for fall, pop those pop-ups into this handy typeform!

Fall Planning Follow-Up: 8-2-2022

Hello everyone! For those who participated on Tuesday, thank you for the great conversation. For anyone who missed it, please prepare for an inspirational, thought-provoking journey into the fall plan via this video. Presentation slides are below.

Recap of the decision timeline is below. Please swing by the MITGO Slack channel to continue the conversation about these exciting options!

To be finalized by 8/15:

  • Career Fair – Should PMs attend the fair? Should MISTI have a table? Is there anything we’d like to do with the employers?
    NOTE: MISTI will have a table at the fair and PM volunteers will participate. We will also try and visually ID employers who also offer international internships.
  • Career exploration event for October – what will it look like? When should it be? Should it be in tandem with MIT Go Fair?
    Discussing student poster showcase

Program Decisions:

  • Do I need program materials designed for fall?
  • Am I having an info session or office hours?

To be finalized by 8/29:

  • MIT GO Fair – When should it be? Inside or outside of Kresge?
  • Biological Eng Career Expo (9/30) – Should we be involved?

Program Decisions:

  • What kind of pop-up event would I like to host? When makes the most sense? Is there a cultural holiday or existing event?
  • Which 3 students should I request to feature on my microsite?

To be finalized by 9/15:

  • MIT GO Fair – What is the agenda? Which students should we showcase/use as ambassadors? Do we need takeaways?
  • Career exploration event for IAP – Should we do a virtual event? Do 1-2 countries want to do a career pop-up?

Program Decisions:

  • Which program alumni are doing exciting work right now?
  • Can I sign up to do a pop-up this semester?

MISTI Roundup: 7-27-22

Your photos and videos have been so great, I would think you are all named Art. Please keep sharing with us! It has been a great driver of summer content.

Fall Planning – 8/2 at 10 am via Zoom

Believe it or not, it is time to think about fall! I will share the communications plan for fall and the timeline of decisions everyone needs to make. We will discuss program needs, and MISTI’s involvement in the Career Fair, and confirm the cross-MISTI events/deadlines. Hit the slack channel for some pre-game brainstorming and to share your thoughts afterward. We will utilize that space to collaborate as we countdown to MIT GO!

Academic Expo – 8/31, 3-4:30pm

Remember, everyone is expected to represent MISTI at the Expo. If you are unable to attend, it is important that you speak with April directly.


Please reply directly to this email with any edits by 8/2.

Regional Map – Approve

For the 2022-2023 academic year, MISTI will have a Visitor’s Center installation that will feature a large map of all the countries we have worked with for the past five years. This is your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to review this map and ensure your region is properly represented. *Below and attached.

Confirm Graphs

Please look at the two graphs below and let us know if you have any changes for 2022-2023. *Below and attached.

MISTI Roundup: 6-28-22

 Enjoy your long weekend! I plan to have resting beach face.

Web host switch TOMORROW

The website is going to be frozen tomorrow as we move. For a full 24 hours, please do not make any edits to your pages. After this, we will be free from IS&T!

New Funds

Please do not forget to edit this document in Dropbox (1Program folders -GSF – Budgets & Available Funds – Seed Funds Available and forecast – Seed Funds available and forecast_2022-23) with your updated or brand new seed fund information by July 1st. The new fund information must be entered into Dropbox by July 1st to be included in general MISTI Comm advertising.


The MISTI general shirts have been discovered and are next to Robert’s desk. They are going to make great re-entry gifts! However, if you would like to take a few with you to give to students, please feel free. They will be relocated to the Comm office next week.

MISTI Roundup: 5-6-22

Almost there, y’all!

New hosts in TD – Last call until July!

Please email Maria a list of all new hosts that need to be added to Terra Dotta by end of  day Tuesday, May 10th

GSF winners

Here is the complete list of GSF Winners which will be posted on the GSF website by May 15. Please review this list to ensure all the information is accurate and consistent for your funds especially regarding the “Intl Institution” column.Please update the list by Tuesday, May 10at noon if you have any edits.

International festival

Remember, the International Festival is May 25 from 5:30-7:30Share this link with your seniors, grad students, and community partners. Our own Ari J. will be the MC and our current lineup includes Rambax, Nepalese Senior Class Singers, International music, games, and food from around the world. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please let April know.

MISTI Roundup 4-8-22

It’s the second week of April I’m still acting the fool.

Friday NOGA Reminder

Nogas and notification emails are all in individual country folders in the ‘NOGAs 2021’ folder in dropbox. Make any edits as needed and convert the nogas to PDFs before emailing them to your grantees. Managers must send nogas on Friday, April 15 and copy Do not send them out before that date.

For non-awardees, unless otherwise requested the notifications will go out centrally on Friday, April 15. If you would like to send out your own non-awardee notifications, please let Isabelle know by TODAY, April 8. They will be put in a separate word doc in your noga folder.

Launchpad Application Survey

Please fill out this brief survey by April 18, so we can address your feedback when we discuss the Launchpad Application during the April 26 Staff Meeting.

New TD Screencast

new screencast on running Terra Dotta queries and pulling reports is now available in the google drive and will be added to the KB shortly.


MISTI Roundup 3-23-22

Happy Spring! April May be here sooner than you think.

Recruit students for CPW Student Showcase

We are taking part in the Experiential Learning showcase for CPW, and need to recruit up to 3 standout MISTI students. Please share the event details below with your favorite students and ask that they register here, by March 24th if interested.

GSF selection board gift request

Please fill out this google doc by Thursday, March 24th, at noon if you would like GSF central to provide the gift.

Risk assessment due 4/19

Attached please find the MISTI Program Risk Planning Document/ MISTI Country Program Risk Assessment Form.

As discussed earlier this week, please fill out one form per country where you will send students this summer. Please upload them here by April, 19th.

MISTI Roundup 3-10-22

Did you know that 3.14% of all sailors are “Pi”rates?

MIT 24-hour Challenge

It is finally upon us! Check this folder here for the template text, graphics, and additional resources. Be on the lookout for my updates today we cruise toward our goal! Also, join us for pie on Tuesday in E40 as we celebrate our success.

Excellence Awards

The clock is ticking for your award nominations. Please send everything to Anna by March 15.


Don’t forget to post your events to the MISTI and MIT calendars. The CIS calendar automatically pulls events from the MIT calendar. Check out the CIS intranet for even more info about event planning. (Scroll to the footer of the CIS main page and click “login.”)

PKG Resources

Our friends at the PKG have curated this list of humanitarian efforts taking place in the Ukraine.


  • Filemaker Knowledge Base article is under development!
  • Check it out for an intro to Filemaker and a screencast on how to pull reports from FM
  • There will be an upcoming Filemaker training in the coming weeks

MISTI Roundup 2-17-2022

GSF Board Deadlines

GSF Booklets and Evaluation Sheets must be emailed to your boards by TOMORROW, February 18th. Please CC

KB Requests

Is there something you think would be useful for us to include in the Knowledge Base? We are now soliciting recommendations!

I&E Resource Roundup

Join the comm team for this great tabling event on Wednesday 2/23 from 11:30 to 1:30 in E38. Talk to students who are interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Excellence Awards

Don’t forget to nominate students for the MISTI Excellence Awards! Nominations are due Friday, March 18. See guidelines and forms below.

International Festival

On May 25 from 5:30-7:30 pm, we will be hosting the first International Festival on Kendall green. We will be abandoning the food trucks for a tent and catering setup. Please share suggestions for:

  • Student/community groups to perform
  • Restaurants for catering (Cambridge preferred)
  • Relevant Cambridge partners and groups

Salesforce Updates

  • New Screencast available in the KB (‘Salesforce User Resources’)‘How to Create & Export Salesforce Reports’
  • Remember to add and update any IAP hosts in Salesforce
  • Two new fields have been added to the organizations layout (screenshot attached):
    • A ‘Dept/Group/Center/Lab’ field in the top level org info, which is to be used to more specifically categorize the organization
    • An ‘Additional Internship Details” field is a text field where you can capture any info that does not fit neatly into the other internship fields

CIS Newsletter

As always, please share your lovely photos and news with Laura Kerwin. The community newsletter needs you!

Giving Day is Coming

Don’t forget, giving day is March 10 this year. More info to come in an upcoming staff meeting.

MISTI Roundup 2/3/2022

Excellence Awards

Time to nominate students for the MISTI Excellence Awards! Nominations are due Friday, March 18. See attached guidelines and forms.


The comm team will be present in E40 on Thursdays 2/10 and 2/24 from 11-1. Come brainstorm about your website and learn more about how to incorporate Program Cards. Primacy will also have a developer standing by to help with technical questions. Invites to come!

International Festival (slated 5/25)

We have been offered the opportunity to host our international celebration as an unofficial part of commencement week! We would like to have student performances, community partners, and food trucks. If you are interested in participating, put your thinking caps on now. I will reach out for ideas and information in the coming weeks.

Last Call for GSF printed booklets!

Please update this worksheet with your printed GSF booklet needs (if any) by Friday at 10 am.

Covid FAQ

We just updated the Covid FAQ on our website for reference.

I&E Resource Roundup

Join the comm team for this great tabling event on Wednesday 2/23 from 11:30 to 1:30 in E38. Talk to students who are interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.


AY21 Placed Students are now loaded into Filemaker. 

How MISTI staff access Salesforce has changed:

  • Navigate to the updated the Salesforce url: (Update your bookmarks!)
  • Do not enter your username or password; instead scroll down to the button ‘MISTI Login’ (screenshot attached for reference)
  • Click the ‘MISTI Login’ button and follow the prompts to use your MIT certificate and then to push out a notification to duo. After you’ve approved the duo notification, you should be automatically taken to your Salesforce landing page/dashboard.