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Data Details

Canopy Feed (1st of the month)

This is a data feed done on the first of the month. Combine the current term query with the report Canopy Monthly Report and email the report (no formatting needed) to

Incomplete Placements (all terms; weekly)

Create a query of incomplete placements with the report Placement Record w. GSF App and send to all PMs weekly.

Note: for any applications in the ‘Global Seed Fund Student Registration’ program, highlight the GSF country cell if there is a country/fund listed.

Incomplete Placement Email Template:
Subject: Action Required: Incomplete Term Year Placements
Send to:

Dear Program Managers,

Please complete spring 2023 placement records at your earliest convenience. The deadline is March 1st.

For Global Seed Fund Registration students: please look at the highlighted cells for the country the student is connected. GSF registration students are the responsibility of the PM of that country/region. This also means that the responsible PM needs to complete those students’ placement records.

Thank you,

GSF Student Registration Follow Up (alongside incomplete placement reminders)

Shared query: GSF Student Reg 2021-22 but the students will also be in the incomplete placement report, so you don’t need to pull a separate report for this task.Students who participate in seed fund projects need to be registered in Terra Dotta. There is a short questionnaire they must complete which includes the fund, faculty, and country location of the project they are taking part in.

 However, many students start the application and do not complete the questionnaire which means there is no way to define where the student is going and what PM should be responsible for them. In these cases, students must be followed up with and reminded to complete their application.

 A reminder should be sent weekly to any GSF registration students included in the weekly ‘Incomplete Placements’ spreadsheet who do not have a country and fund listed.

[subject line: Action Required: Complete your Global Seed Fund Application]

 Email Template:

 Dear Student,

 You are receiving this email because you began a MISTI registration to take part in a faculty-lead research project this summer. Even if you are participating remotely, you still need to complete the registration.

 To complete your registration, please login with your MIT Kerberos at and complete the ‘3. Global Seed Fund Application.’ This should take you a couple of minutes.

 If you are not participating in any faculty-led research or project this summer, please let me know and I will close your record. If I do not get a response from you by Deadline, I will close your record.

 Thank you,

 Deadline can be set for a week or two out; it is not a set deadline

Adding Hosts / Editing Lookup Tables

I converted the instructions into a standalone guide that lives in the data dropbox.

Terra Dotta Knowledge Base Articles

GTL Application Prep


Create a query of complete GTL applications and combine it with the GTL – MISTI and GTL App Data & GTL Uploads reports

Email to all GTL complete applicants through Terra Dotta:

To the completed app query, send a message like:

Dear GTL Applicant,

Thank you for submitting a GTL application for IAP 202X.

MISTI received XXX GTL applications and Program Managers are in the process of reviewing all applications. With such a large pool, it will take several weeks for the application review process.

Your materials will go to your first choice GTL country first; if you are not accepted to your first-choice program, your materials will be passed to your second choice, etc. The different GTL countries work along slightly different timelines, so do not worry if you or a friend hear from one GTL country before others.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,


Cover Letters:

GTL Cover sheet Template (\Dropbox (MIT)\MISTI original\1Program Folders\GTL)

The cover sheet template merge has been tested and is working; the spreadsheet you load into it is the GTL – MISTI and GTL App Data & GTL Uploads query

Using a complete application squery combined with GTL Uploads (‘Run Report’) to view and download the student documents: GTL slide, resume, transcript, and if included, recommendation.


To edit the landing page of Terra Dotta (, go to ‘Site’ -> ‘Site Builder’ -> ‘Change your site’s Home Page content’

“Teacups” are students who need to be handled with care; this may mean they are no long eligible for future misti programs. To tag a student, there is a dropdown on the “Overview” tag that is labelled ‘Add Tag to Application.” Select “Teacup” and you’ll then be able to do an advanced search on tags and pull all the teacups out and share with PMs once a semester so everyone is aware of the students to keep an eye out for.

Important Contacts

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