New Internship Application Process
Table of Contents
The Basics
- Students can submit the Launchpad Application to interview with up to three country programs. They can also select one or two country programs.
- If a student realizes after the interviews that another program might be a better fit, they can still interview with that program even if it was not listed in their top three choices.
- Students select one top choice application once their interviews are complete.
- If a student emails you for an interview and has not completed the Launchpad application, ask them to complete it and follow the steps on the How to Apply page.
- If the student has some general questions, you should feel free to answer them and they do not need to go through the Launchpad.
- If a student interviews with you and you would like to see them have more experience on their resume, outline a timeline for them about when you would be able to approve them for your program.
Within the Website
- Students watch the MISTI 101 Video and complete the MISTI 101 Quiz.
- Students use the Application page to explore which country program will be the best fit for them.
- There will be a website page with all the requirements listed.
- We will ask them to look carefully at each country program page before they make their decision for their top three choices.
- Students decide on their top choices.
- If a student needs assistance with their decision, they can reach out to, and IB will assist. If a student emails a Manager with questions, the Manager should feel free to answer them and they do not need to go through the Launchpad.
Within Terra Dotta
Step 1 – Launchpad Application
Students complete the MISTI Launchpad Application. You can find all the questions listed here.
Within the Launchpad Application, students will be directed to arrange an interview with the Manager. The student reaches out to Managers of their three (or two or one) top programs. They will be able to do so through Calendly or the Manager’s alternative preference to set up a meeting.
Step 2 – Manager interviews the student and student makes program decision
Managers will be able to access all the information about the student through the Launchpad Application. If a student contacts you who has not filled out the Launchpad, you should request they do so and follow the “How to Apply” page.
During the interview, the Manager should review their interview timeline and explain placement process and likelihood of placement.
Step 3 – Manager moves student into Country Specific Application
Manager receives an automatic notification in their email from Terra Dotta. It is important all Managers set up this automatic notification, “Query Watch”, by following these steps. The must be done before September 1st.
The Manager has two choices:
- Manager moves the student into their program. Manager emails student and asks them to complete any country specific application materials. We would recommend the Manager reiterates their processes in this email.
- The manager has the option to keep the student in “Application in process” status or move them to “Accepted” status depending on their own program processes and timelines.
- Manager does not feel their program is the right fit for the student. Suggests the student speak to their second choice.
- “Application in process” notes that the student has selected the program as their top choice, but the Manager have not yet started to work on placing them with a host or does not guarantee the student a placement.
- “Accepted” means you are actively working to place the student and potentially have guaranteed the student a placement.
- You do not have to use the “Accepted” status if it does not make sense for your program.
- Manager does not feel their program is the right fit for the student. Suggests the student speak to their second choice.
How to move a student into your program:
- Search the student in TD
- Select “Status”
- Change the “Programs” from “MISTI Launchpad Summer 2022” to your country program
- Select “Update
Step 4 – Review Country-Specific Application
Manager reviews Country-Specific program application. If there are any concerns, Manager should raise those with the student.
Step 5 – Process continues as normal
Manager provides student clear timeline of next steps either:
- Provides placement guarantee and places student
- Provides students timeline for when placements usually occur (continues to update student throughout the process), and either:
- Places student
- Is not able to place student:
- Notifies student that they are not able to be placed
- Asks if they would like to apply to one of the programs that is still open (based on information in google doc and website updates)
- Student can apply to another open program
New Additional Process
- IB will create a google doc to house a list of programs that are still accepting applications. IB will send out the doc weekly for updates starting in January. IB will update a list of programs accepting applications on the website.
- IB will create a google doc that lists specific internships still available for programs. This list can be used by any Manager to review in case a student inquires about specific types of internships.
- What if the student is an alum of my program? Students who are alums of the program can apply directly to the Country Application.
- What if the student is a grad student? We still ask they complete the Launchpad application as they do need to confirm they are committing to the full program and understand those details/requirements (pre-departure sessions, etc.) They can then let you know once it is complete, and you can move them to your country specific application.
- What if I want to extend my deadline? At the top of the deadline page, we will have a list of all countries still accepting applications (based on IB’s google doc). We will also send this list out to students in the newsletter.