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MISTI GTL Host School Expectations

Host schools that are planning to house MIT students with local host families must ensure that MIT students are placed in homes that will provide a safe and comfortable environment. Host families must have some affiliation to the school, either as the parent of a current or former student or a teacher.

Host schools or MISTI GTL partner organizations must provide the complete list of participating host families to MISTI no later than four weeks prior to the students’ arrival. This list must include:

  • names and genders of all family members living in household
  • ages of any children living in household
  • phone number and email address for household main contact
  • street address

This information may be provided by families via a webform  or directly by the school.

Host schools must follow these expectations and provide families with the MISTI GTL Host Family Guidelines (below). If a host school discovers or is notified that a host family has failed to comply with the Guidelines, it should notify MISTI. Failure to comply with the Guidelines may result in a family being barred from hosting GTL students.

By signing below I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the MISTI GTL Host School Expectations and MISTI GTL Host Family Guidelines and agree to comply with the expectations, as such compliance is an ongoing condition to host MISTI GTL students.

___________________________                              __________________

Signature                                                                     Date

Insert name                                                                
Insert title
Insert school name

MISTI GTL Host Family Guidelines

Thank you for offering to host a MISTI GTL student. Host families frequently report that they have a very positive experience with our students; similarly, MIT students find the homestay to be a valuable part of their GTL experience.

Please note that single male hosts must not host female students, and vice versa.

To contribute to the success of the experience we are asking that you provide the following information either to your school administrator or directly to MISTI via a webform

  • names and genders of all family members living in household
  • ages of any children living in household
  • phone number and email address for household main contact
  • complete address of the home

In addition, we ask that you:

  • Provide a healthy household environment (i.e., no alcohol or drug problems, no abusive behavior of any kind)
  • Provide a home environment free of sexual harassment and discrimination
  • Be open to and accepting of, and provide a home environment where, students of different gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, socio-economic status, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or ability status, are safe from harm
  • Provide clean, secure, and sanitary accommodations that meet local safety standards
  • Share family meals. Please note: If student has any medically necessary dietary restrictions, you will be informed at the time of request for housing, and asked if you would be willing to accommodate them
  • Provide students with their own room or a shared room, bed and linens (if room is shared, separate beds must be provided and roommate must be of the same gender, unless the host family and student are both receptive to gender-inclusive housing)
  • Allow students to use bathroom, kitchen, common living spaces and laundry facilities
  • Be willing, if appropriate, to give the student a set of house keys and/or room keys
  • Let the student know in advance if there are smokers or pets living in the house
  • Know who to contact in case of an emergency involving the student and be familiar with emergency procedures