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MISTI Systems: An Introduction

Welcome to the MISTI Systems overview which lists all databases and application systems in use currently. All systems listed below are web-based applications (e.g. you access them through a web browser) except File Maker.

Terra Dotta

The student application system in which all students participating in MISTI programs complete their application. It is the day to day working student database at MISTI. In use since 2015-16. Please refer to Terra Dotta FAQs and Terra Dotta policy.


Qualtrics is a evaluation and assessment tool (surveys). It is used for pre and post experience surveys centrally but is available for use to all MIT staff.

Visit to register for an account.
After registering for an MIT Qualtrics account, access the MIT Qualtrics instance at

IST Qualtrics landing page and info


Calendly is a scheduling and appointment system that integrates with Outlook. It allows program managers to customize their availability, the types of appointments, and is easily shared with students/other parties.

Calendly login

Connecting your Calendly to your Outlook calendar (Calendly video)
MIT IST Article on connecting Calendly & calendar

How to add your Calendly link to your business card

Google Drive

The MISTI google drive allows all staff to easily share documents and collaborate on them in real time. It works like any personal google drive but is securely protected by touchstone.

Signing up new staff for a MIT google suite (needs to be done before access to the drive can given)

File Maker

File Maker is a desktop application that needs to be installed on your computer.

File maker is the MISTI archival student database and the historic and working database for Global Seed Funds. Student data is moved from Terra Dotta to FM after each academic year; seed fund data is moved from Survey Monkey Apply.

Student data is static and rarely changes after upload while GSF data is regularly accessed and updated as a fund progresses through its award period.

Additional information can be found in the Archival Data: Filemaker article.

Survey Monkey Apply

Survey Monkey Apply (SMA) is the Global Seed Funds and the Empowering the Teachers application system. It is used for the intake of applications and the review of proposals.

Survey Monkey Apply MISTI Global Seed Funds login

Additional information on using SMA can be found in the Global Seed Funds Procedures and Resources article.


Salesforce is a Client Relationship Management (CRM) tool that allows MISTI staff to maintain records of contact and interaction with hosts, partners, and potential donors. Program managers are responsible for entering new host information annually.

Salesforce login